TELETEL has delivered to SYDERAL SA (Switzerland) and Thales Alenia Space Espagna two (2) EGSEs to validate the Antenna Deployment and Pointing Mechanism Electronics (ADPME) of EUCLID. The EGSEs control the flight unit through their 1553 interface, simulate/acquire discrete TM/TC signals and perform closed-loop motor simulation through motor current acquisition, and simulation of position encoders and antenna deployment switch. The EGSEs are based on the iSAFT MIL-STD-1553 Simulator product supporting coordinated tests execution (Python) over multiple Data, Power and I/O Front Ends. Specifically, the main components of the EGSEs include:

  • EGSE Controller (based on the powerful iSAFT Product Line) which:
    • Hosts the MIL-STD-1553 interface board.
    • Hosts a high speed digitizer, which performs acquisition of the motors phases currents.
    • Provides MIL-STD-1553 simulation & recording functionality.
    • Controls the Power Front End and acquires status.
    • Controls the I/O Front End and acquires measurements & status.
  • I/O Front End providing simulation and acquisition of multiple discrete interfaces (HPC, BSM, TSM, ASM etc.), simulation of heater loads, control of potentiometers.
  • Power Front End
  • Power Isolation Unit
  • Interface Routing and Protection Unit