The iSAFT CAN/CANOpen Front-End is a CAN data interface with advanced asynchronous transmission and traffic generation capabilities that simulates CAN/CANOpen devices or instruments, enabling S/C integration tests before the availability of Flight Models. It also constitutes a high performing, modern network traffic capture, recording and analysis tool for the validation of satellite/spacecraft flight devices or ground testbed devices implementing the CAN/CANOpen protocol family.
It is provided as a rackmount system with a 4 channel CAN interface with CAN/CANOpen simulation and bus monitoring capabilities. It is based on the iSAFT graphical tool chain, for configuration/management of CANOpen Slave nodes simulation (locally or remotely). It consists a powerful device for the validation of on-board data networks at early stages. The system is fully compliant to the general EGSE requirements for space missions and relevant ECSS standards.
As a CAN Monitoring Tool (Recorder), it is capable of capturing data packets on multiple CAN buses, time stamping, recording, and delivering them to a powerful Protocol Analyzer for further processing & analysis. Operating on a multi-Gbytes powerful HW platform, the SW environment is based on the iSAFT graphical tool chain, thus allowing the management, filtering & searching of the recordings. It is used for troubleshooting and problem solving at various development stages, minimizing the impact on cost and schedule.
The systems are typically built on CPU Intel i7- Quad core and O/S Windows 10 64Bit.
A Quad CAN PCIe NIC is included with the following characteristics:
The iSAFT CAN/CANOpen Front-End Software package includes:
Optionally, the software package can include interfaces with EGSE Central Checkout System: