Building on broad experience in software methodologies, techniques & programming languages, TELETEL has the capability to provide competitive SW development services (SW Criticality Level ECSS Cat B, DO-178B) in the areas of space & defence.
TELETEL provides SW engineering services in various areas including:
TELETEL developed, validated and qualified the EUCLID on-board Application Software components including Thermal Control, Power management, Payload management, TT&C management, CDMS management, System safeguard logic, etc.
TELETEL designed, developed & validated the on-board CFDP protocol for the JUICE mission. The CFDP protocol is responsible for all scientific data transfer (images, sensor data, etc.) from the JUICE spacecraft to the earth.
Customer: ADS France
TELETEL performed Independent Software Verification & Validation (ISVV) related activities for the XtratuM hypervisor (SW criticality Cat. B) in compliance with ECSS-E-ST-40C and ECSS-Q-ST-80C standards. Additionally, TELETEL designed and developed a validation platform and the relevant test suite for the qualification of XtratuM. The qualification activities were successfully performed using both TSIM for LEON3 (mono-core) and the GR712RC development board.
Customer: ESA, CNES
TELETEL staff has worked for 4 years with ASTRIUM Satellites in Toulouse with respect to the development, integration and validation of on-board software components for AOCS sensors and actuators as well as Remote Interface Units for the acquisition of critical sensor data & telemetry and driving the thrusters that control the spacecraft.
Customer: ADS France
TELETEL designed, developed and validated EGSE controller software subsystems for the ALTIUS Instrument EGSE.
Customer: OIP Sensor Systems
TELETEL has worked with AIRBUS Defense & Space France for the EUCLID PLM AIT SW support activities. TELETEL engineers have worked for more than 3 years in relevant co-location engineering activities in Toulouse, France.
Customer: ADS France
TELETEL was involved in the JUICE CCS development activities, as subcontractor to TERMA A/S (Denmark). TELETEL was responsible for the design, development and validation of the ground CFDP SW components as a plugin to the mission control system software.
Customer: TERMA, ADS France
TELETEL has developed embedded multi-tasking real-time software, including the Man-Machine Interface (MMI), for a RADAR control touch-panel console.
Customer: Thales Air Defence
TELETEL has developed tools for the automatic generation & validation of messages for the PAAMS external interfaces from XML definition files and a dedicated database. The interface management software between the Command & Control unit and the vessel combat system as well as between the Command & Control unit and the PAAMS operation console was developed.
Customer: Thales Air Defence